Our dress code is gender neutral and dancers can choose which option is most comfortable for them.
Dancewear must be form fitted and allow instructors to properly see alignment to prevent injuries and incorrect habits.
Long sleeve pink bodysuit, pink or skin-tone tights with feet OR solid black or white fitted t-shirt with black shorts or athletic pants. Pink/skin-tone/black ballet slippers.
*Movers & Shakers will require Tap shoes in January
Black sleeveless leotard and pink/skin-tone tights OR white crew neck dance t-shirt and black opaque tights. Pink/skin-tone/black split sole ballet slippers (Pink/skin-tone will be used for all performances).
Ballet/Tap Combo
Black sleeveless leotard and pink/skin-tone tights OR white crew neck dance t-shirt and black opaque tights. Pink/skin-tone/black split sole ballet slippers and black oxford style tap shoe (patent shoe optional).
Black sleeveless leotard, black tights with feet (optional fitted dance shorts or leggings) OR solid black or white fitted t-shirt with black shorts or athletic pants. Black oxford style shoe (patent shoe optional for Tap 1).
Jazz/Musical Theatre
Black sleeveless leotard, black tights with feet (optional fitted dance shorts) OR solid black or white fitted t-shirt with black shorts or athletic pants. Black split sole jazz shoe. Competitive Jazz may require black or skin-tone Jazz shoes for performances.
*Mini & Junior Competitive Jazz: skin-tone split sole jazz shoes
Black sleeveless leotard, black footless tights/fitted leggings OR solid black or white fitted t-shirt with black shorts or athletic pants. May wear split sole jazz shoes, bare feet or foot undies.
Hip Hop
Street clothes that allow free movement, no jeans permitted. CLEAN indoor running shoes/sneakers.
Black sleeveless leotard, black footless tights/fitted leggings OR solid black or white fitted t-shirt with black shorts or athletic pants. No shoes.
Long hair must be tied back (bun required for Ballet and Jazz).